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Noon Minutes

Noon Minutes

Get 40% off sitewide for new users & 5% off for existing users. Minimum Order Value of AED 20

Food & Groceries
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More information

Noon Minutes

Noon Minutes is a quick & convenient solution for your everyday needs delivery in 15 mins.

How can you save money at
Noon Minutes

Noon Minutes offers groceries delivered to your doorstep in 15 minutes.Luvin Deals helps you find Noon Minutes coupons for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.Carefully read the terms of each coupon and copy the code if needed.Visit the Noon Minutes app through Luvin Deals and fill your cart.At checkout, apply the coupon code to get the discount.Provide shipping and payment details to complete your purchase.Luvin Deals makes saving on Noon Minutes' products easy.

Why use a coupon code from Luvin Deals?

- Luvin Deals thoroughly tests all coupon codes.
- This ensures a smooth shopping experience for users across the UAE.

- Shop confidently with Luvin Deals to find reliable discounts on

Noon Minutes


Noon Minutes
40% Extra discount sitewide
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Last Update on:
August 6, 2024
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1. Browse the stores.

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